We don’t eat the bitter “pith” of citrus fruits – the white, papery membrane – but it’s not secret that peels and skins of produce contain nutritional value. Rutin is a bioflavonoid found in such pith. And bioflavonoids strengthen capillary blood vessels.
Rutin will not prevent a bruise, but throwing a tablespoon of rutin powder into my morning smoothie helps a bruise disappear in half the time. It takes six or seven weeks of rutin in juice or a smoothie – once in your system – you will notice that the deep, ugly bruise is not as deep and fades in half the time.
Playing tennis I get a lot of bruises! Ice is my first go to if I can get it early. After the first 24 hours, I apply ( 2-3 times a day) a very warm washcloth to the bruise or run warm water over the bruise to break up the blood blister under the surface.
Along with daily rutin, I notice a difference.
Each skin type is different, but as we age our skin gets thinner, along with medications we might be taking we seem to bruise easily.
Check with your doctor and give rutin a try.