What do you say when someone asks you your age? Or tells you, “…you look good”.
In my head, I question what are they really mean: Are they being nice? Are they wondering if I’ll give away my secret cream or confess that I just had work done? Or do you go into detail about your workout program, yoga retreat experience, eating habits, demonologist’s treatments, etc., etc. After all, you have spent a lot of effort on yourself and probably lots of money as well, why not tell the world? After all you have earned it.
Do they not realize that whatever I may be doing, may not have the same effect on their skin? Their body?
But, back to the question: Asked your age? Do you just smile and ignore the question?
When someone says to me,”…you look good.” I just say, “Thank you”.
And when someone asks my age, I reply, “…definitely over 50.”